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Israel And The Coming Long War

Israel and the Coming Long War

A new analysis from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs argues that Israel is on the cusp of a protracted struggle against its enemies in the Middle East.

The report, "Israel and the Coming Long War," was written by former Israeli intelligence officer Eran Lerman, who argues that Israel's traditional approach to warfare - relying on short, decisive campaigns - is no longer effective against its current adversaries. Lerman points to the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza, the rise of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the growing threat from Iran as evidence that Israel needs to adapt to a new era of prolonged conflict.

The report argues that Israel's enemies are increasingly willing to engage in long-term campaigns of attrition, and that they are becoming more sophisticated in their use of asymmetric warfare.

Lerman warns that Israel will need to develop new strategies and capabilities to deal with this new threat. He calls for a shift away from short-term military campaigns towards a more holistic approach that combines military, political, and economic measures.

The report also calls for Israel to strengthen its alliances with other countries in the region, and to develop a more robust defense against cyber attacks.

While the report acknowledges that Israel faces a difficult and complex challenge, it also argues that the country has the resources and the determination to prevail. Lerman concludes by saying that "Israel must prepare for a long war, but it can and will emerge victorious."

The report has been widely praised by experts on the Middle East.

"This is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complex security challenges facing Israel," said David Makovsky, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "Lerman provides a clear-eyed assessment of the threats Israel faces, and he offers a realistic roadmap for how the country can prepare for a long war."

The report's findings are likely to have a major impact on Israeli decision-making in the coming years.

As Israel prepares for a protracted struggle against its enemies, it will need to adopt new strategies and capabilities. The report's recommendations will help Israel to develop a more effective approach to the challenges it faces.
